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南港輪胎與 TEAM SX83聯手挑戰中國汽車耐久賽最高殿堂CEC

來自台灣的TEAM SX83攜手南港motorsport前往中國參戰中國汽車耐久賽(簡稱CEC)的最終封關戰-珠海四小時耐力賽,面對眾多強敵與夾帶地主優勢的當地車隊,TEAM SX83以實力強勢衝擊賽場 CEC總共分成三日的賽程,分別是週五的排位賽、週六的雙人衝刺排位賽與週日的4小時耐久正賽,TEAM SX83此次使用的車輛為上篇文章中打破廣東國際賽道場地最速前驅車-VW Golf GTI TCR,車款組別為房車耐久組(簡稱TCE),在週五的排位賽中,得益於TEAM SX83車隊運用賽車模擬器提前熟悉車輛及賽道的特性,彌補了無法像其他車隊能實際於珠海國際賽車場訓練、測試後的車手適應度和車輛調教這兩個最大劣勢,結合當天氣候狀況微幅調整車輛設定後,取得了週六的雙人衝刺排位賽第二位起跑的絕佳位置。 週六雙人衝刺排位賽中,TEAM SX83沒有浪費這第二位起跑的優勢,一路緊咬前方車輛,即便在執行進站之後依然未被第一名的車隊拉出過大差距,在一個小時衝刺賽結束之後確定以同樣第二位進行週日的耐久賽起跑,雖未能奪得杆位起跑,但車手的穩定輸出和車隊完美的策略執行仍為當地其他車隊帶來不小壓力,畢竟在此之前這可是一支來自台灣的車隊,姑且不論這台也僅僅只有開過一次的賽車,在賽前也僅用模擬器認識賽道,實際駕駛時數只有練習賽的兩個小時,這群車手們恐怖的適應能力和對賽車模擬器這種科技的運用讓當地車手為之震撼。 週日的正賽TEAM SX83不只要面對同組別的強敵,同時也要注意同場比賽其他組別的GT3、GT4的快車將會在這4小時中不斷從旁經過,稍有閃失有可能就將站上頒獎台的機會葬送在本就不屬於自己的戰爭中,起跑之後車隊即全速前進試圖拉開後車和緊跟前車,在賽程如預期中發展時,車輛機件臨時產生了故障影響了車輛表現,隨後的進站車隊技師們決定搶修,即便用了極短的時間便搶修完成,但在爭分奪秒的賽場上依舊不可避免的丟失了位置,最終以第四名的成績完賽。 雖然最終的結果並不完美,但在眾多劣勢的夾擊之下,車手及車隊的表現依舊展現出能與地主車隊分庭抗禮的強勁實力,精彩的表現也為即將由星曜南港代理進中國的 Nankang Motorsport打響知名度,也將南港輪胎在當地以經濟取向的形象打破,向競技更加靠攏。  

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南港輪胎於九月時與TEAM SX83在中國廣東國際賽道展開首次極限測試,將街道性能胎CR-S裝上TCR廠車,向場地前驅最速紀錄發起挑戰。In September, Nankang Motor sport and TEAM SX83 conducted their first extreme performance test at the Guangdong International Circuit in China. They equipped a TCR race car with the street-performance tire, the CR-S, aiming to challenge the lap record for the fastest front-wheel-drive vehicle on the track. 此次參與的測試車手由TEAM SX83的領隊蘇彥銘車手與澳門大賽車 GT4組冠軍張謙尚車手輪番上陣,測試的車款為VW Golf GTI TCR,TCR廠車作為前驅形式且無任何防鎖死和循跡控制系統,輪胎在抓地力和磨耗上的表現將會非常大的影響車輛表現及車手操作上的信心,在常規比賽中TCR均為使用光頭胎,品牌則依個地區賽事決定,而南港CR-S做為高性能街道胎裝上TCR廠車開上賽道可說是前所未聞,但在這樣極端的環境下才能將輪胎性能壓榨至極限。 The test drivers for this event were TEAM SX83's leader, driver Su Yanming, and Macau Grand Prix GT4 class champion, driver Zhang Qianshang, who took turns behind the wheel. The test car was a VW Golf GTI TCR. As a front-wheel-drive race car without any ABS or traction control systems, the tire's grip and wear performance would greatly impact the vehicle's overall performance and the drivers' confidence in handling it. In regular TCR races, slick tires are typically used, with the brand determined by the regional events. However, equipping a TCR race car with Nankang's CR-S, a high-performance street tire, for track use is unprecedented. This extreme environment was the perfect setting to push the tires to their absolute limits. 用街道胎挑戰圈速紀錄聽起來是個不可能任務,但兩位車手依然對於這件事抱有非常大的信心。當天天氣非常炎熱,測試的途中技師不斷的調整胎壓以應對溫度逐漸升高的賽道路面,然而廠車的煞車系統卻在此時發生了故障,以致於無法連續得衝刺,且煞車故障的問題會導致車輛在進入彎道時的車尾極其不穩定,對於彎速有著嚴重的影響,而廣州國際賽道所具備的彎大多為低速迴旋彎道且密集,在如此不利的條件下,當天的測試最終繳出了1:24秒的單圈,成功寫下前驅車街胎組的紀錄,而在炎熱的天氣下經過一整天的極限測試下,南港CR-S的抓地力僅有小幅衰退,也並未對圈速產生過大影響,最佳工作狀態對比當天最後一圈僅相差不到一秒,優異的磨耗和街道也適用的特性讓當日同場次的其他車友都折服於南港CR-S的高性價比。 Challenging a lap record with street tires might sound like an impossible task, but both drivers remained highly confident. The weather on the test day was extremely hot, and the technicians constantly adjusted tire pressure to cope with the rising track temperature. However, the race car's braking system malfunctioned, preventing continuous sprint laps. This brake failure also caused extreme instability in the car's rear when entering corners, significantly affecting cornering speed. The Guangdong International Circuit is known for its many low-speed, tight corners, which made the test even more challenging under these conditions.Despite these obstacles, the final lap time recorded was 1 minute and 24 seconds, successfully setting a new lap record for front-wheel-drive cars using street tires. Even after a full day of extreme testing in the heat, the Nankang CR-S tires only showed minimal grip degradation, with no significant impact on lap times. The difference between the best lap and the last lap of the day was less than a second. The tire's excellent wear characteristics and its dual street and track performance left fellow drivers at the event impressed by the Nankang CR-S's outstanding value for money.以下附上當天的測試影片,感謝您的收看。 Here is the test video from the day. Thank you for watching!  

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ApeCoin Community Co-Hosted Racing Simulation Event

ApeCoin (APE) is the governance token on the Ethereum blockchain, launched by the Bored Ape Yacht Club team in 2022. It serves as a reward token to incentivise users in building the APE ecosystem. APE holders can participate in governance and vote on any resolutions proposed by the ApeCoin DAO. Beyond governance, ApeCoin functions as a payment token within the ecosystem, granting access to exclusive games, merchandise, events, and services. It also serves as a tool for third-party developers to integrate their projects into the Bored Ape ecosystem.Recently, one of our community members co-hosted an exciting sim racing event with TEAM SX83 SimLife at TOPTIME in Nangang. This event allowed participants to experience the thrill of racing in a virtual environment!At Team SX83, we have extensive experience in organising events and have partnered with major car manufacturers to host track days. Our goal is to help car owners gain a deeper understanding of their vehicles and the track using simulators! 

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